Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Soo... Tell Me About Serena

Meet Serena live face to face on Skype Mon- Sat est.
 Add her to your Skype today @serena.sweetaromas4u
Serena is an aroma-therapist and candle maker, who lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with her husband. She is a mother of two small sons, who support her creativity and they enjoy giving her new ideas to consider adding to her growing collection of products.

She owns a Russian tortoise as a pet, which is a special part of her family. In 2006, right after the birth of her youngest son, she began making candles but she wanted to tickle her customer’s senses.
Serena decided she wanted to learn more about creating different scents to mix and match with her candle creations.

 She enrolled in, and completed a course in becoming a certified aroma-therapist at Divine Blessings Academy (DBA), in order to master the skills she needed to create candles with enticing aromatic scents.
Serena takes pride in creating new unique products, which each of her customers will cherish. She enjoys being creative and thinking outside the box when creating her sweet aromas for customers.
Serena began creating different custom creations of candle and aromatic scents, due to the effects she felt personally. She began feeling anxiety and stress from the demands of becoming a new mom, since the birth of her newest son.

 However, with her training and knowledge, she decided to try using the aromatherapy instead of prescription medication. She believed her family, friends, and customers could also benefit from the aromatherapy treatment that she was creating for herself.
Serena was delighted to be helping others to add beauty to their home or their office, as well as creating new aromas for their guests to enjoy. Additionally, she finds pleasure in helping others from her home life to her life as a volunteer.

She believes that aromatherapy gives people a natural alternative to help ease their ailments like fatigue or stress. Her candles, bath and body products will assist individuals and their family with their overall well-being.
Bringing aromatherapy into the homes of individuals and family can have a profound impact on their physical and emotional state. This holistic approach allows her to help others using different scents like: lavender, tea tree, vanilla, clove bud,  bergamont, cedarwood, patchouli and sweet orange zinger. 

She is also offering ylang ylang, peppermint, and eucalyptus oils and much more. Now, that she has mastered her skills, by practicing with family and friends. She is now offering customers a one-on-one consult.
Serena's mission is to show customers how aromatherapy can help them with different areas of their life like: relaxing, romance, concentration, pain, anxiety, and problems getting to sleep.

In addition, she would like to invite customers to contact her personally about helping individuals create a custom order using candles and aromatherapy. Her website will also offer many different candle creations and blends using different aromatherapy oils, which she has created over the years.

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