Friday, July 8, 2011

Rub Your Aches And Pains Away!

Touch is a basic human impulse and massage is theraputic.
 Rubbing loosens the joints that is to rigid.
 When we hurt our instincts is to rub the pain away.

Allow Serena Sweet-Aromas to make you a customized,
bath & body aromatherapy blend ,
to assist you with your aches and pain today!


  1. Following you from Blog advertising - love to have my aches and pains rubbed away, if I didn't have to save all my money for yarn!

  2. Thanks Sandra for following Serena's Sweet Aromas blog. All new customers receive a 15% discount when you "Like" our Sweet Aromas 4U Facebook fanpage :) we are always having promotional sales, discounts and such at Sweet aromas 4U!
